specialized landscape service
for xeriscapes - native gardens - alternative landscapesbamboo eradication, eliminating weeds, landscape service, flower bed maintenance, irrigation, organic fertilizer, austin texas, bamboo removal remediation, mosquito service, targeting weeds, reduce watering, reducing irrigation
landscape vinegar: very effective organic spray that is most effective in the heat of summer to damage the foliage of + often kill outright any unwanted plant. Delivered in 1/2 gallon, undiluted quantities.
nutsedge remedy: an organic formula that disrupts the growth of actively growing nutsedge tufts, available in 16 oz. preparations. Nutsedge should not be pulled up by hand because the underground “nut” bundle will send up new replacement sprouts + often viable seed pods when the plant is significantly disturbed.
bermuda grass treatment: an organic formula that damages the sturdy bermuda rhizome, measured in 32 oz. preparations.
corn meal gluten: an effective pre-emergent treatment for weeds that occur in gravel surfaces. The pre-emergent effect of corn meal gluten causes germinating seeds to fizzle out + become non-viable. Delivered in granular bulk amount of 25-lbs.
Bamboo is one of the strongest invasive plants on the planet. In Austin, non-clumping bamboo has been running amok in certain sectors of town for decades. For clients with runaway bamboo on their grounds, we’ve developed an effective therapy.
In LifeCycle, a therapy is a procedure that takes place over the course of months. Bamboo therapy takes place with these steps:
chop: cut down living stalks of bamboo and remove root mass as necessary
trench: sever root connections to any surrounding stand of bamboo
barrier: install a sturdy barrier of steel or thick plastic to a proper depth inside the trench.
provoke: encourage the bamboo to regrow with irrigation + fertilizer
treat: respond to new growth with a combination of chopping, landscape vinegar + orange oil dousing
repeat: continue provoking + treating the diminished bamboo until the infestation is exhausted + dead
intensive weed focus: there are a couple of spikes in weed growth during the year– in the early spring season + after the fall season’s rainy coolness, but before the first freeze f winter. For sites with particular weed problems in these special times, a concentrated effort of hand weed pulling + dark harvesting can be helpful at reigning in problem areas.
Dark harvesting is carefully collecting sprouting weed seeds + securing them into the trash, rather than letting them get back into the soil to germinate later.
search + destroy: most monthly visits start with a mission through the garden to take out obvious weedy interlopers in gravel areas, planted buffers + along edges
Weeds are simply unwanted vegetation in the landscape. Even an otherwise desirable plant that’s in the wrong place can be considered a weed. Some weeds exist in a project site from many seasons before, while some new weeds can arrive blown in on the wind after a project’s complete.
Pre-existing weeds can be particularly tough to overcome after a change to the landscape. They fight hard to reestablish themselves by resprouting from rhizomes left in the ground and from the soil’s seed bank (the reserve seeds of past weeds that have been hiding, waiting for their chance to germinate).